I'm ready to make Flash... but not very well.

Dylan Lawrence @Dylawrence

Age 35, Male



Joined on 7/30/07

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Dylawrence's News

Posted by Dylawrence - August 24th, 2010

Since the video has been deleted... I should think of a new post soon... maybe some shitty "GOALS FOR 2011" post since those are all the rage these days

Posted by Dylawrence - June 27th, 2010

So yeah... I'm gonna be 21 in a few days... which means drunk flashings will be made, pants will be shat, clothes will be vomited upon, and sex will be had... and then regretted, and eventually repressed.

Really I just wanted to cover up my old post, so here is a cat being fed with chopsticks:

/* */

Posted by Dylawrence - November 15th, 2009

So I moved (yet again) but this time with an artist, maybe I'll learn some awesome techniques

I'm going to 24-hour-fitness regularly now to beef up, and I joined some flash collabs to work solely on my FBF skills.
I'm also storyboarding a shit-ton of new flash Ideas, and I should be pumping those into the portal next year.

ALSO: whoever discovered my Dig-Dug flash in the 2009 Treasure Hunt Thank you for the support, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :3

maybe next year I will get noticed by an original submission (they just had to pick the video game parody didn't they)

/* */

Back in the game!

Posted by Dylawrence - July 5th, 2009

I leave for a measly three months, and the site gets a fuck-ton of updates, I've missed out!

I thought I should change the post to an update on life in general.

the past-

I got a job

payed all my debt off

moved out of a house full of heroin addicts

The present-

moved into a house full of alcoholics-
complete with a keggerator/pool table/hot-tub/9 foot projection screen complete with PS3

saving my money

meeting new people

The future-

buy a new computer

get flash 8

submit the best flash I've ever created
I'm probably not going to be on for a while (again) but I haven't ditched Newgrounds completely, I'm coming back after I deal with some loose ends...

(a work in progress)

Holy NEWgrounds

Posted by Dylawrence - March 18th, 2009

^^Don't you just love those^^

So I get a call, saying "Your X-box 360 will arrive within the week, between 9:00AM & 7:00PM"

Not even 5 minutes later I hear a knock on the door, and there was the mailman, holding my X-box 360 like a little baby Jesus!

I guess what I'm trying to say is WOOOOHOOOO!!! Finally some good news!

Also, I got done Judging all the entries to the Voice acting competition

and I really implore you to check out a couple of submissions!

Inbox (1)

Posted by Dylawrence - February 17th, 2009

Minor problems at home... Shit hit the fan, and the fan was on the third setting... and oscillating!

I just got the red ring of death... on top of all the other problems... WOOHOO!

In short, I feel like this:

Don't FREAK OUT now!

Posted by Dylawrence - November 22nd, 2008


But seriously, happy birthday Oney! Everybody, go give him some cyber love!

Also look out for my next animation, coming within the next 3 days!

It's called Table Top! and it's a hoot =P

LET'S GET NUTS! Like a drunken Irishman... like this guy


Posted by Dylawrence - October 14th, 2008

And it rocks! except the online needs a major overhaul of un-fucking up

Also, I've cut off some projects that were proving to be quite a handful...
What can I say, I'm a tween-aholic!

On other news, sprite a week is dead... gay! I wish Khawner would pass the torch, or someone would step up and host it! anyone will do...(Fawx... Diamond Armada...)

my next flash is sure to win an award... so I've took the liberty of stylizing the award... soup it up a little!

Finally got castle crashers!

Posted by Dylawrence - August 14th, 2008

I've got many new Ideas! but most of them are about 10-50 seconds long, so I figure what better way to work on my animating skills, by making a robot chicken style animation! I might put in 5-8 scenes judging how long I want to make the flash, (3-5 minutes.)
All flashes will be humorous, and I will try different animation styles until I figure out what works for me

Now if I could just figure out what to call it... any thoughts?